Earlier this year, luxury British bedmaker Vispring announced the appointment of Martin Gill as its new Managing Director following the retirement of Jim Gerety. A few months on, we caught up with Martin, also the MD at And So To Bed, to see how he has settled into the role.
“The transition was seamless, as I had been working closely with Jim for the past six months, and his handover and support has been impeccable. My aim is very simple— to continue building on the success of a truly historic luxury British brand, both within the UK and internationally,” Martin said.
“I aim to focus on the brand’s unique selling point—producing the finest quality mattresses—while collaborating with our partners to deliver an excellent customer experience around the world. In the long term, delivering growth in the UK and globally is fundamental, alongside offering solutions for sustainability and product innovation.”
Martin describes himself as a “very hands-on manager” who cares about their sales partners and consumers, while also giving his support to charities wherever possible, whether it’s taking part in activities such as driving to Athens and back in five days, or simply running a marathon. “I relish a challenge, especially for a good cause!”
“The business has been performing well so far this year, as we tend to be generally more resilient at the top end of our product range,” Martin added. Vispring recently reported a growth in sales by 11% to £53.2m for the year ended 31 December 2022, up from £47.7m in 2021, with a pre-tax profit of £18.8m, up from £15.1m.
“Having had the privilege to lead AND SO TO BED during the past five years, I am honoured and excited to be entrusted with taking on this prestigious role at Vispring,” Martin said.