Appointment of Liquidators
Company Number: 10782463
Name of Company: LET US MAKE SOFAS LTD
Nature of Business: Manufacture of other furniture
Registered office: 1-3 Garden Street, (Off Bell Street), Oldham, OL1 3PY
Principal trading address: 1-3 Garden Street, (Off Bell Street), Oldham, OL1 3PY
Type of Liquidation: Creditors Voluntary Liquidation
Liquidator’s name and address: Joint Liquidator: Edward M Avery-Gee (IP number 12410) of CG&Co, Greg`s Building, 1 Booth Street, Manchester, M2 4DU.
Liquidator’s name and address: Joint Liquidator: Daniel Richardson (IP number 12650) of CG&Co, Greg`s Building, 1 Booth Street, Manchester, M2 4DU.
Date of Appointment: 04 May 2023
By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors
For further details contact Alison Phillips on 0161 358 0210 or at