What are people looking to purchase over the next year for the home?

Bedroom furniture and furnishings, wallpaper and decorative items were among the most popular products people are looking to buy over the next year, says new research.

According to data from PR and communications specialist, Unhooked Communications, latest survey ‘Homes Unhooked’, 37% of respondents said that they are planning to buy wallpaper, paint and other decorative items for around the home in the next 12 months.

Bedroom furnishings or furniture was next with 27% of people saying that they would invest in this area of the home, while the same also said they would focus on plants and outdoor features for the garden.

Living room furnishings or furniture followed closely with 26% of respondents, while outdoor seating and furniture saw 17%.

Other areas covered included kitchen utensil, home appliances, entertainment and technology, storage and home gym equipment.

The market research for this report, commissioned by Unhooked Communications, was carried out in July 2023 and questioned 2,015 adults across the UK.

Other highlights revealed that in the next 12 months, over 40% of people plan on decorating at least one room, 17% intend to landscape their garden, 17% would like new flooring and 15% have their sights set on renovating their bathrooms.

Furthermore, 58% of consumers would be happy to pay more for products or materials for their home if they’re good quality and will last, while, specifically in the furnishings category, 53% would check the sustainability or environmental impact and credentials before buying home furnishings.

The insights from the new Homes Unhooked report also revealed that while 60% of people want to research products or materials for their home online before making a purchase, 64% also want to see them in person before buying them.

Having access to reviews and testimonials (54%), knowing they’re supporting a local business (51%) and being able to speak to product designers, retailers and other experts (31%) is also key to ensuring shoppers commit to a purchase.

Claire Gamble, MD, Unhooked Communications, said: “Online shopping is a common habit for lots of consumers today, with £110bn spent on e-commerce in 2022. But when it comes to purchasing products and materials for the home, turning to digital channels is only part of the decision-making process.

“While proving both online and bricks-and-mortar premises both have a purpose for today’s shoppers, more importantly, the findings highlight the need for brands in the home interiors and renovations industries to join up their digital and in-person buying strategies to ensure they’re capitalising in busy markets with more quality-conscious shoppers.

“We also know that when it comes to content, it’s essential to go beyond basic product details and specifications. Buyers want to be reassured of quality and performance by engaging with experts, to know your product is reliable by hearing from people just like them, and to tap into conscientious priorities like buying local. It is this – rather than mastering how to use a specific channel – which has the power to secure a sale.

“There is a huge opportunity on offer to businesses today, especially those who can combine the power of showroom or in-store experiences with the limitless potential of digital marketing. In a competitive landscape, this will be the key differentiator to help brands stand out from competitors, build trust and boost sales.”

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