IKEA Retail imagines life at home in 2030

Faraway friends joining house parties as holograms. Bio-solar wallpaper that uses algae to generate electricity from sunlight. Chairs created by 3D printers using a mushroom compound. These are just some of the weird and wonderful ways that our lives at home could change beyond recognition by 2030, according to a new report released today by IKEA Retail (Ingka Group).

A series of AI generated images bring three future-gazing scenarios to life: Home on the Go, Resilient Communities and A Nurtured Home, in a visual collection that will have you rethinking everything from future family get-togethers to interior design decisions. Not only do the images illustrate new ways we may live and work, but also how our communities, and the way in which we use our planet’s resources, could change over time. 

IKEA Retail (Ingka Group) continually works with experts and foresight partners to help anticipate the future as part of their overall research focus on Life at Home. In the 10th edition of the IKEA Life at Home Report, which has just been released, they share some of those foresights as three possible scenarios for the next ten years of life at home.  

These scenarios are brought to life with AI generated imagery in collaboration with PJADAD and Per Eriksson, freelance art director, centering around the lives of three imaginary people: Jin, Angela and Jamie, who are each navigating a different possible future for life at home. Their fascinating stories reveal how home can change amidst external context showing the potential of the remaining a haven in an increasingly volatile world. 

Home on the Go 

This future sees people adopting a highly customisable approach to how they live as they are forced into living in constant movement. This means that the way they furnish and use their homes, is aimed to bring out their best selves. Different versions of their homes enable them to achieve, entertain – and enjoy some alone time when it all feels a bit too much. That’s because we can access all of our homes, at any time, and from anywhere, thanks to new technologies. Life at home in this future scenario features ways of living that focuses on individual progress, privacy, and the pursuit of new experiences. 

Resilient Communities 

This future sees the world’s population fragmented, with separate communities living unconnected lives. People tend to set up home with those they most closely identify with, either on a political level, or through shared parenting styles or cultural tastes. These separate communities only mix when there’s a pressing need. Being self-sufficient is prized, learning is a constant and communities welcome those who bring with them a range of practical skills they can share. Life at home in this future is focused on communal belonging, stability and using resources at hand. People turn away from technology in favour of support from their community. 

A Nurtured Home 

This future has adapted to the impact of our planet’s climate crisis. Bilateral policies have created international and interconnected eco-initiatives and prompted the widespread adoption of smart home systems to support the efficient use of resources. People are forced into more transparent behaviours when it comes to their consumption of resources. Everyone recognises the consequences of, and link between, the way they live, their homes, communities, and the natural environment. Homes in this future are more reactive to external forces and integrate both technology and nature into their design. Life at home in this future is all about individual control. By living more in tune with nature through technology, people are free to explore new experiences. 

Maria Jeansson, Global Foresight Lead for Life at Home Report, said: “By building multiple futures scenarios, we can explore emerging needs and ensure that IKEA can continue to be a relevant partner for life, making everyday that little bit better for the many people, today and tomorrow.”

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