Appointment of Liquidators

Name of Company: LETS PAY WEEKLY LTD

Company Number: 11912385

Registered office: Unit 4, Aylesham Industrial Estate Brighouse Road, Low Moor, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD12 0NQ

Previous Name of Company: PAY WEEKLY BABY STORE LTD

Principal trading address: Unit 4, Aylesham Industrial Estate, Brighouse Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD12 0NQ

Nature of Business: Carpet/flooring retailer

Type of Liquidation: Creditors Voluntary Liquidation

Date of Appointment: 16 July 2024

By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors

Liquidator’s name and address: Richard Marchinton (IP No. 29010) of Conselia Limited, Dalton House, 1 Hawksworth Street, Ilkley, LS29 9DU.

For further information contact Richard Marchinton at the offices of Conselia Limited on 0113 318 1533, or richard.marchinton@ConseliaUK.com.

17 July 2024

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