Appointment of Liquidators

Name of Company: FURCO LIMITED

Company Number: 11464740

Registered office: 282 Romford Road, London, E7 9HD

Principal trading address: Mirror Works, 12 Marshgate Lane, London, E15 2NH

Nature of Business: Furniture sales

Type of Liquidation: Creditors’ Voluntary

Date of Appointment: 5 October 2022

By whom Appointed: Members & CreditorsJoint Liquidator’s Name and Address: Kevin McLeod (IP No. 9438) of AABRS Limited, Langley House, Park Road, London, N2 8EY. Email: KM@AABRS.com. Telephone: 020 8444 3400. Joint Liquidator’s Name and Address: Christopher Andersen (IP No. 16070) of AABRS Limited, Langley House, Park Road, London, N2 8EY. Email: cha@aabrs.com. Telephone: 020 8444 3400.

For further information contact Jenna Warburton at the offices of AABRS Limited on 020 8444 3400, or jw@aabrs.com.

6 October 2022

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