Luc Tack to acquire Latexco

Belgian entrepreneur Luc Tack has announced that he has reached an agreement in principle to acquire all the activities and employees of Latexco.

The acquisition will be realised via the company Harmony Industries. Latexco, which is headquartered in Tielt (Belgium) and owned by the family of Luc Maes, produces mattresses, pillows and toppers made from latex, as well as PU foams.

The company has more than 400 employees in Belgium, Spain, Indonesia and Singapore. The acquisition is expected to be completed before the end of December 2022.

In a statement, Luc Tack said: “Today (5 December), we have reached an agreement with the family of Luc Maes regarding the continuity of the company Latexco. We are, therefore, looking forward to building a strong future for Latexco together with the employees.”

Luc Maes, owner of Latexco, added: “For my part, I am delighted that we can partner with the Tack family and I am very positive about the succession of my company. Luc Tack’s decision to acquire Latexco gives me confidence because I am convinced the company will have a better future this way. My daughter Carole is also fully behind this transaction.”

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