Big Interview with Wayne Kelly

Wayne Kelly, Managing Director at MFC Group, shares an insight into his role, upcoming plans and why buyers need more time to travel and review products.

Let’s start with you. Can you share a bit about yourself and your background?

I was born in Manchester, but now reside in Rutland. I live with my partner Jen and have shared responsibility for my son George who is just about to leave primary school. Football and martial arts were a huge part of my life well into adulthood, however my main hobby (when I’m not travelling for work) is music. I play in a local band and we released an album last year – it’s a real escape from the day to day.

Career wise I’ve spent a lot of time in retail. I joined the Co-operative Retail Group straight from school and progressed in the buying team until I got head hunted to ASDA to be a buying manager on seasonal GM, where I experienced the Good, the Bad & the Ugly working for the world’s largest retailer (Walmart). This provided a great foundation in buying, sourcing, negotiation and trading. I left to spend about five years running the FOB division for a large UK trader. After that, I joined Dunelm to run the extended ranges and seasonal categories. Then about seven years ago, I joined MFC Group.

What is your current job role and key responsibilities?

I joined MFC Group seven years ago as Commercial Director when I was approached by Founder & CEO Casper Olesen. We (MFC Group) source and develop all elements of furniture for large retailers across the world. We have a global showroom in Ho Chi Minh, with sourcing offices in Brazil, China and Malaysia.

When I joined, Casper was running the company alongside driving product development and key customer partnerships. He needed a ‘wingman’ to help run the business day to day and look at mid-long-term strategies. In addition to some budgeting and cost control elements. After my first year of ‘settling the ship’, we opened the Outdoor Division, which has gone from strength to strength, and which I still directly run with a hands-on approach.

Earlier this year I became Managing Director, taking the reins even more and freeing Casper up to focus on the MFC Brand, and also some special projects we are working on currently.

What do you love about your job?

Two days are never the same. And our teams around the world (Vietnam, China, Malaysia & Brazil) are so dedicated, it inspires me to deliver my best every day. As we are a Global supplier, we are literally developing new product every single week, and seeing these ranges go from a concept you have to successfully being sold in your customers stores is still the biggest buzz you can have in this industry.

What time is your alarm clock set for and do you have a morning routine?

It depends, as I spend approx. four months of the year travelling and working abroad. However, an average day in the UK would start with an alarm at 6.30am and a cup of tea. I’d then check some emails before showering and getting ready usually for approx. 7.30am. It’s either then a school run before working from home, or a drive to our UK office in Stratford upon Avon to work with the team on that day’s projects.

Why did you choose to work in the furnishing industry?

I didn’t, it chose me. The seasonal elements (Outdoor) I have done for every company I’ve worked for, and it’s one of the hardest things to get right (or even close to right). The Indoor I have also done extensively, and enjoy; however, Casper is extremely talented at constantly knowing what the market needs next.

Who do you most admire in the industry and why?

It’s tough, very tough, so I would say the people within it. Issues like the current freight prices affect the furniture industry far more than other product categories with smaller CBM’s. However, everyone in the industry that I know, sees such issues as a challenge, & in most cases an opportunity.  Our Chairman, Philp Hand, has an incredible network within the industry full of knowledge and information, and both he and his contacts will always be on hand to offer advice in any situation.

Have there been any special moments during your career?

I’ve been involved in a lot of key product / concept launches for major retailers, which has been nice.  However, being part of MFC, has been the biggest challenge & therefore the most rewarding. Seeing our (relatively small) private business survive & prosper in the toughest of times, & then grow to what it has become today. I guess walking onto our class leading Stands on the opening day of our Vietnamese exhibition (HAWA), was a very special feeling this year, as it showed to our customers, and the industry just how far we had come.

What is your favourite item of furniture you own and why?

Theres a reading chair in one of the spare rooms, that I’ve read my son many books on. It’s a rocker, so we’ve fallen to sleep a few times on their together when he was a bit smaller.  I can’t even remember where I got it from… I’m pretty sure it was a second-hand bargain…. I feel very at peace, whenever I sit on it.

What do you think is trending within the industry at present?

As we have a Global customer base, I think we have a slightly different perspective on things.  Sometimes we hit a trend too early, so need to hold back until our customers are ready. In terms of materials, For MFC Faux travertine tables & accessories are still performing extremely well, & we are seeing a lot of interest in our Occasional chairs out of Vietnam.

If I could choose a word to focus on for the next 12 months, it would be ‘compact’. Both in terms of freight / home delivery requirements from our customers, and also consumer spaces in their homes and gardens – we will be developing lots of product for both indoor & outdoor ranges using compact as a theme.

What would you change in the industry?

We always try to have a positive impact on the industry in any way we can. However, one thing I have never understood is the limited amount of time buyers get to travel and review products. I’ve always felt this is the most important part of buying / selling furniture, yet timewise its extremely comprised for the majority of our customers. I would encourage them all to invest more time in and around products and in development stages – if you get the product right you have a chance of success. However, if you get it wrong, no matter what you do… it won’t work out well.

Can you share an insight into your future plans?

We are a private company, so we invest carefully, but with great intent. So firstly, we will be bringing in some excellent talent during 2024 and 2025, which will set the bar within our sector.

We have a global customer base; however, we intend to expand more into the US markets & Middle east. With the majority of our manufacturing coming from Vietnam, we are in a great position to supply the US market, without the tax levies imposed on China. From a Middle east market perspective, we are seeing it growing so fast, with all the building development & people moving there.  This also represents a great opportunity for MFC & its partners in the next few years.

Another plan going forward relates to our global showroom in Vietnam, which was too big for us when I joined and is now extremely full. It’s a brilliant space to both work in and develop customers ideas and concepts in, we will need more space sooner rather than later, so that is also under consideration.

Having said the above, one of our strengths is that we are very nimble, so we will ensure we are capable of reacting quickly to any opportunities that come our way.

What do you enjoy most outside of work / free time?

Spending lots of time with my son George, and my partner Jen is right up there. Time seems to be becoming a rarer commodity these days. I get to the gym 3-4 times every week, which I really enjoy. And as I’ve mentioned already, writing & performing music is really good fun & a great way to escape from the everyday.

What might someone not know about you?

I’m a black belt in two styles of Karate, and one style of Taekwondo – when I first trained karate at 12, it was very, very traditional, so I had to learn everything in Japanese. To the point where my first dog ‘Merlin’ learnt all his instructions in Japanese!

If you had a different career, what would it be?

I genuinely believe this is what I was meant to do, and feel very lucky I can do this. However, I would have liked to have been a solicitor or barrister, as a totally different career.

Finally, if you were an item of furniture, what would it be and why?

I’d be a kitchen larder cupboard – organised, dependable…. But every now and again you’ll find the odd surprise!

Five Fun qs:

If you could hack into any one computer, whose computer would you choose and why?

Elon Musk – to understand what our future looks like!

What fact amazes you every time you think of it?

That the US went to the Moon in 1969 and now we can only travel to low earth orbit.

What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

Hot air ballon ride in Kenya – amazing.

What is the most important object you own and why?

A ring from my late father, who died when I was 12. It has a very unique style ‘k’ on it, which is now part of my signature.

What did you think was cool when you were young but isn’t cool now?

Shell suits!

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