Appointment of Liquidators
Company Number: 06397021
Name of Company: K & B WORKSHOP LIMITED
Nature of Business: Manufacture of Kitchen Furniture
Registered office: Taylor Buildings Clough Street, Hanley, Stoke On Trent, ST1 4BA
Principal trading address: Taylor Buildings Clough Street, Hanley, Stoke On Trent, ST1 4BA
Type of Liquidation: Creditors Voluntary Liquidation
Liquidator’s name and address: Liquidator: Steven John Currie (IP number 009675) of Currie Young Limited, Ground Floor, 10 King Street, Newcastle under Lyme, ST5 1EL .
Date of Appointment: 15 June 2023
By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors
For further details contact Lynn Churchill on 01782 394500 or at