Land of Beds: Elevating Sustainability

Mike Murray, CEO at independent beds and mattress retailer Land of Beds, talks about their sustainability progress through its partnership with The Furniture Recycling Group (TFRGroup).

Can you tell us more about your partnership with TFRGroup?

At Land of Beds, our commitment to quality sleep is matched by our dedication to sustainability. We are proud to announce our partnership with The Furniture Recycling Group (TFRGroup) to advance our CSR objectives. We began recycling our old mattresses with TFRGroup in 2023, and now we have also used their rejuvenation services. We have successfully recycled hundreds of mattresses and will continue to leverage TFRGroup’s expertise for both mattress recycling and rejuvenation.

This collaboration not only promotes environmental responsibility but also extends the life cycle of our products. Transforming Returned Mattresses into ‘Second Life’ Products: Through this partnership, comfort-guaranteed mattresses returned to Land of Beds are sent to TFRGroup, where they undergo a rigorous quality assurance process. Each mattress is sanitised to NHS standards, ensuring they are safe and clean for reuse. This process gives these mattresses a ‘second life,’ significantly reducing waste and supporting a circular economy.

We are thrilled with how our partnership with TFRGroup is going. Their commitment to high standards and sustainable practices aligns perfectly with our goals. This partnership not only benefits our customers but also significantly contributes to our environmental efforts.

Why is being a sustainable business important?

Being a sustainable business is crucial, and at Land of Beds, we’ve embraced this philosophy wholeheartedly. Our approach is simple yet powerful: “Always do the right thing, and if it can improve the bottom line at the same time, double down on it.” This philosophy guides our decision-making and has led us to some exciting initiatives that benefit both our business and the environment.

Take our mattress removal and recycling service, for instance. It’s a perfect example of a project that does good for the environment by reducing landfill waste while also providing added value to our customers and potentially boosting our sales. Our partnership with TFRGroup is another case in point; it enhances our sustainability credentials while also streamlining our operations.

We believe that sustainability isn’t just about being eco-friendly; it’s about creating a business model that’s resilient, efficient, and forward-thinking. By focusing on sustainable practices, we’re reducing costs through improved efficiency and waste reduction, attracting environmentally conscious customers, and futureproofing our business against tightening environmental regulations. This approach also inspires innovation in our products and services while building a positive brand image and customer loyalty.

Moreover, being a sustainable business benefits all our stakeholders. Customers get high-quality, environmentally responsible products, while employees feel proud to work for a company with strong values. Our suppliers are encouraged to adopt more sustainable practices, and the local community benefits from our reduced environmental impact. Shareholders see long-term value creation and risk mitigation.

Ultimately, we recognise that we’re part of a larger ecosystem. By being a sustainable business, we’re contributing to the health of our planet and ensuring a better future for generations to come. It’s not just good business; it’s the right thing to do.

Other sustainable successes?

Expanding Recycling and Rejuvenation Programmes: One of our key initiatives is our mattress removal and recycling service for customers. This programme not only helps our customers dispose of their old mattresses responsibly but also significantly reduces landfill waste. We’re excited to report that we’re forecasting a 10% increase in uptake of this service this year, which is a testament to our customers’ growing environmental awareness. Our collaboration with TFRGroup is a cornerstone of our broader strategy to enhance our recycling programmes and improve product lifecycle management.

We’re also focusing on sustainable sourcing, working with suppliers who share our commitment to eco-friendly materials and production methods. These initiatives reflect our dedication to not just selling quality beds, but doing so in a way that respects and protects our environment. We believe that a good night’s sleep shouldn’t come at the cost of our planet’s health.

What would you like to see more of in the industry?

We’d like to see a greater move towards sustainability-first design and production. This means considering the entire lifecycle of a product from the very beginning of the design process, not as an afterthought. However, sustainability shouldn’t stop at the product itself. We believe packaging and logistics should be integral parts of this sustainable design process. This could involve using biodegradable packaging materials, designing products to be shipped more efficiently to reduce transportation emissions, or implementing innovative last-mile delivery solutions that minimise environmental impact.

Ultimately, we’d love to see an industry where sustainability is not just a buzzword, but a core principle that guides every aspect of product development, from initial concept to final delivery and beyond. This holistic approach to sustainability could drive innovation, reduce environmental impact, and create products that consumers can feel good about buying and using.

 Are you noticing more sustainable-minded shoppers?

We are seeing an increase in sustainability-conscious shoppers, particularly among younger generations. We believe most people would prefer sustainable options if given the choice, but affordability remains a key barrier for many consumers. As economies of scale improve and sustainable technologies advance, we anticipate seeing sustainable products become increasingly cost-competitive.

Current trading and challenges?

We’ve been pleasantly surprised by our start to 2024, despite the difficult economic circumstances. Both the number of customers and the average order value have increased annually. With the unemployment rate stabilising at remarkably low levels and inflation being around 2%, we are feeling cautiously optimistic about the rest of the year. However, we’re holding off on making any audacious forecasts because of the cyclical and usually turbulent nature of our sector. Instead, as the industry has seen personally over the past 24 months, we’re taking a practical, step-by-step approach while staying attentive since situations may change quickly.

The most challenging aspect at present is forecasting and making medium and long-term investment decisions. The economic landscape has been particularly volatile in recent years, making it difficult to plan with confidence. The recent stabilisation of inflation at 2% is certainly a positive development. If this level can be sustained, it should provide a more stable economic environment, potentially boosting business confidence.

Final thought on future plans…

We’re excited to share some upcoming plans that align with our core mission of helping as many people as possible sleep better. We’ve partnered with two renowned sleep experts to develop a free educational series focused on improving sleep quality for individuals with various conditions. This free, accessible resource will allow us to extend our impact beyond our product line, providing valuable information to a wider audience.

We believe that by offering both high-quality sleep products and expert knowledge, we can make a more significant difference in people’s lives. We’re confident this holistic approach will provide even more value to our customers and the wider community of individuals seeking better sleep. We’re currently putting the finishing touches on this series and plan to launch it soon.

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