Maximise your product photoshoots with video

Whether it’s B2B or direct-to-consumer, online customers want to see as much of your product as possible. So why stop at still images? Video can be added easily to a photoshoot with the right studio. Will Lack, Director of Prodoto Photographic Studios, shares how he helps maximise shoots for brands wanting to make a bigger impact.

Demand to keep up with competition online means a large volume of content is necessary. Adding video onto a photography shoot is a cost-effective way to generate more content from your marketing budget.

The stats tell the story:

  • 89% of businesses use video as a marketing tool
  • 84% of video marketers say video has directly increased sales
  • 83% of consumers want to see more videos from brands in 2025

Video allows you to show all the selling points of your product in a few moments. We find video sequences that introduce products work well alongside still images on ecommerce websites.

Extra visual information in video helps customers learn more about your products. You can tell a story of quality, craftsmanship, style, comfort, and practicality.

Videos can bolster your social media efforts. The platforms promote video content to more potential customers, favouring its ability to capture and hold attention. Algorithms can be confusing, but one thing’s for sure, they like video!

Adding models to a shoot is another way to take your marketing to the next level. People connect with people, and introducing a relatable model can draw in your target demographic.

It’s easy for us to add video by shooting simultaneously with photography. This maximises studio time and the return on investment from a custom room set.

One of our favourite video and photography projects involved a range of limited-edition furniture created by London Transport Museum for their online shop.

We built three room sets at our studios. Once each was propped with artwork and the distinctive furniture, we were ready for the shoot.

Combining video with photography was perfect for showing details of the iconic moquette patterns we all know and love from buses, trains, and tubes.

David Simpson from London Transport Museum’s Marketing & Design Team said: “We are so happy with the results and thoroughly recommend Prodoto’s services for those wanting a one stop shop for photography or videography projects.”

Prodoto has an exclusive introductory offer for Big Furniture Magazine readers who enquire in February. They’re offering to produce a free video alongside a photography project (terms and conditions apply).

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